Starting Out Right With Your Accounting

There are many decisions that go into starting a small business. One of these involves the setting up of your accounting practices and procedures to keep track of your finances. Many factors can go into determining how best to accomplish this.

You will first need to determine which accounting method to use. This means choosing between the cash-basis or the accrual method. They each have their advantages and disadvantages based on the specifics of your business. You will then need to determine how you will record transactions and set up a chart of accounts for all transactions by your business and open a business bank account.

Calypso Breeze Consulting offers accounting setup review services for your company. Perhaps you've already been in business for a few years, but you're not sure if the accounting systems and procedures you are using are best for the current state of your company. A thorough review of your accounting setup will ensure you're using the procedures that help to maximize your company's growth while managing your tax liability and other expenses.

Calypso Breeze Consulting Accounting Review

Accounting Setup Review 2025My name is Carolyn Ball, CPA. As the owner of Calypso Breeze Consulting, I bring the experience you need to examine your company's accounting systems and procedures. With 16+ years of experience as a CPA in the State of Florida, I can recommend which accounting basis works best for your business.

Perhaps you started out using a cash-basis accounting method, but maybe things have changed, and the accrual method might be better for you now. Is the accounting system you have in place operating as efficiently as possible while also containing cost controls that save you money?

I can look over your company's payment terms and see if they're good as is or if you could benefit from making some changes. Accounting software is another consideration. I am a QuickBooks Advanced ProAdvisor, so I can get you set up using this simple yet powerful small business accounting software quickly and easily.

With over a decade of experience as a CPA in the State of Florida, I am familiar with state government regulations or requirements governing accounting procedures. I can educate you and your staff on the importance of maintaining an accounting system that keeps personal and business expenses separate and so many other factors that are critical to your optimal financial management.

Control Your Small Business Finances

Having an experienced CPA look over your accounting system can only help you save money.

With 32 years of professional experience and 12 years as a CPA, I listen to what services my clients need.

I provide comprehensive accounting, tax advice and preparation, accounting education and QuickBooks Advanced ProAdvisor training.